Đặt câu với từ "homeopathy|homeopathies"

1. Homeopathy After Care Antidoting Information

2. 2 antonyms for Allopathy: homeopathy, homoeopathy

3. 6 best homeopathy medicine for Acidity

4. Homeopathy is a popular form of medicine.

5. I started using homeopathy without the knowledge of Antidoting.

6. Akees Homeopharmacy is known for housing experienced Homeopathy Doctors

7. Homeopathy Aconite Napellus 30C Pills for Cold, Flu, Tension, Anxiety

8. Homeopathy, acupuncture, and traditional Chinese medicine should not be used.

9. Energy treatment (therapy), homeopathy, psychotherapy, acupuncture, acupressure and hydrotherapy services

10. 19 Acupuncture, reflexology and homeopathy are all forms of complementary medicine.

11. 21 Alternative medicine includes treatments such as acupuncture, homeopathy and hypnotherapy.

12. Allopathy, homeopathy - Allopathy is treatment to suppress the symptoms of illness using the principle of opposites, while homeopathy encourages, rather than suppresses, the body's reaction to an illness

13. Most doctors appear to recognize homeopathy as a legitimate form of medicine.

14. In fact, allopathy treats only the illness while homeopathy treats the patient.

15. Market in 2008 was in swing in 200 perhaps out of homeopathy.

16. These days the targets are religion, homeopathy, astrology, psychics or any modern voodoo.

17. Students will study in detail medical acupuncture, homeopathy. osteopathic manipulation and guided imagery.

18. Tag: Antidoting, mercury induced disorders, Parkinsons disease, RCT, Tautopathy, The Mueller Method of homeopathy

19. I am therefore in favour of a more equal status for homeopathy and allopathy.

20. Brenda has started a practice in homeopathy an alternative medical system growing in popularity.

21. It forced jumps all of a sudden jump streams, homeopathy put a turtle thrown out.

22. Eyelashes long stretch slowly, the sky and the stars homeopathy, the decline in your eye.

23. As always with homeopathy, the choice of acute remedy depends on your child's symptoms. Sentencedict.com

24. Antidoting: Homeopathy The negation of the effect of a homeopathic remedy by another substance or factor.

25. Looking in any directory, you will find entries from aromatherapy to colonic irrigation, acupuncture to homeopathy .

26. Among the most popular types of alternative treatment are acupuncture, chiropractic, homeopathy, naturopathy, and herbal medicine.

27. Almost two in three of the 897 housewives surveyed in June believed homeopathy and acupuncture were effective.

28. Subject_Topical_Eng: Acupuncture; Chinese Medicine; Ayurveda; Fitness; Homeopathy ; Magnetic Therapy; Miscellaneous; Weight Loss; Aromatherapy; Skin Care; Massage Therapy.

29. Medical services, namely homeopathy, acupuncture, acupressure, hydro-therapy, reflexology services, craniosacral therapy, energy therapy, herbal treatment, physiotherapy treatments

30. Homeopathy is an all-natural method of addressing health concerns based on the concept of "like cures like."

31. The philosophy of homeopathy is based on the holistic idea that the mental and physical realms are inseparable.

32. Her credibility increased when she advised me that it did not really matter whether I believed in homeopathy or not.

33. Such techniques could include non-invasive, non-pharmaceutical techniques such as Medical Herbalism, Acupunture, Homeopathy, Reiki, and many others.

34. We should also be open to the use of alternative methods, such as homeopathy and phytotherapy, in livestock husbandry.

35. Library services relating to gemmotherapy, homeopathy, herbal medicine and healthcare, medical services and alternative, complementary and natural medical services and medicine

36. Biomagnetism or Biomagnetic Pair Therapy is a revolutionary, scientific and therapeutic approach to healing that differs from Traditional Medicine, Homeopathy, Herbs and Naturopathy

37. The reference software includes four databases: herbs, supplements, homeopathy and Chinese patent formulas. This easy to use software was developed by Naturopathic physicians.

38. Belladonna is also an antiinflammatory i just fell in love with homeopathy many good things are happening in this house with its use!! Read more

39. During the visit nine MoUs/ Agreements/ Memorandum/ Letters of intent were signed in the fields of cyber, air transport, Film co-production, energy, homeopathy and space.

40. Biomagnetism or Biomagnetic Pair — BMP™ is a revolutionary, scientific and therapeutic approach to wellness that differs from traditional medicine, homeopathy, herbs, and natural therapies

41. Biomagnetism or Biomagnetic Pair — BMP™ is a revolutionary, scientific and therapeutic approach to wellness that differs from traditional medicine, homeopathy, herbs and natural therapies

42. During the visit following MoUs/Agreements/Memorandum/Letters of Intent were signed in the fields of cyber, air transport, Film co-production, energy, homeopathy and space.

43. The feature that distinguishes this system of medicines from other systems like Allopathy and Homeopathy is that it is solely based on herbs and herbal compounds.

44. • specific medical conditions: acute burns, emergencies, trauma, provings as evidence, principles of homeopathy, substitutions vs. adjunct, case studies, integration, dose, posology, duration, clinical trials Incidence/Prevalence

45. Sepia Homeopathy A homeopathic remedy formulated from the Cuttlefish, a soft mollusk native to the Mediterranean Sea; it is used primarily for female disorders, such as premenstru

46. ‘The most popular Complementary therapies among participants were Diet, Herbalism, Homeopathy and Aromatherapy.’ ‘Neil is a senior lecturer at two leading Complementary therapy colleges and has two busy homeopathic practices.’

47. ‘The most popular Complementary therapies among participants were Diet, Herbalism, Homeopathy and Aromatherapy.’ ‘Neil is a senior lecturer at two leading Complementary therapy colleges and has two busy homeopathic practices.’

48. Often contrasted with homeopathy ‘If the imbalance called illness occurs, they apply self-healing, then resort as needed to such arts as âyurveda, acupuncture, Allopathy, prânic healing or …

49. Biomagnetism is a revolutionary, scientific and therapeutic approach to wellness that differs from traditional medicine, homeopathy, herbs and natural therapies, but is perfectly compatible with any other traditional or alternative modality

50. Their certification badge indicates that they have received training from us covering the philosophy and essential practices of Biological dentistry, including safe mercury removal, dental ozone, nutrition, energetic connections, homeopathy, and more.

51. Osler made more than one verifiable statement regarding homeopathy, as well as what he termed Allopathy as a practice of his time, as well as what he saw as a future direction.

52. (Proverbs 3:21; Ecclesiastes 12:13) In the case of physical sickness, patients are faced with a variety of treatment choices, from orthodox medicine to therapies such as naturopathy, acupuncture, and homeopathy.

53. The term "Allopathy" was coined in 1810 by Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843) to designate the usual practice of medicine (Allopathy) as opposed to homeopathy, the system of therapy that he founded

54. Tapes, cassettes, discs, optical discs, magnetic discs, compact discs and laser discs, CDs, CD-Roms, electronic publications relating to gemmotherapy, homeopathy, herbal medicine, healthcare, medical services and alternative, complementary and natural medical services and medicine

55. ‘But, generally, Allopathy will treat symptoms rather than the whole person.’ ‘Prior to the 1900s, the approaches to wellness and healthcare included Allopathy, homeopathy, and naturopathy as well as a variety of cultural practices and folk remedies.’

56. Allopathy A term used by practitioners of homeopathy to refer to conventional medicine, which is based on the assumption that treatment should be directed so as to oppose disease processes-witness the number of ‘anti-’ entries in this dictionary

57. Plural Allopathies Medical Definition of allopathy 1 : a system of medical practice that aims to combat disease by use of remedies (as drugs or surgery) producing effects different from or incompatible with those produced by the disease being treated — compare homeopathy

58. Medical Definition of Allopathy 1 : a system of medical practice that aims to combat disease by use of remedies (as drugs or surgery) producing effects different from or incompatible with those produced by the disease being treated — compare homeopathy

59. Plural Allopathies Medical Definition of allopathy 1 : a system of medical practice that aims to combat disease by use of remedies (as drugs or surgery) producing effects different from or incompatible with those produced by the disease being treated — compare homeopathy: 5.

60. Sepia Homeopathy A homeopathic remedy formulated from the Cuttlefish, a soft mollusk native to the Mediterranean Sea; it is used primarily for female disorders, such as premenstrual syndrome, physical and emotional changes during pregnancy, prolapsed uterus and pain with sexual intercourse.

61. Plural Allopathies Medical Definition of allopathy 1 : a system of medical practice that aims to combat disease by use of remedies (as drugs or surgery) producing effects different from or incompatible with those produced by the disease being treated — compare homeopathy

62. All relating to health and beauty advisory services, beauty salons, acupuncture, acupressure, massage, homeopathy, manicuring, pedicuring, skincare, beauty treatment services, aromatherapy, depilation services, sauna services, steam baths services, hairdressing services, advisory services relating to the use and selection of cosmetics

63. Plural Allopathies Medical Definition of Allopathy 1 : a system of medical practice that aims to combat disease by use of remedies (as drugs or surgery) producing effects different from or incompatible with those produced by the disease being treated — compare homeopathy

64. Also, can you receive healing without Antidoting? Growing up I’m sure I’ve taking plenty of Tylenol/Ibprofen, steroid creams from time to time, anti depressants (early 20’s and some 30’s) ect… before I got wise and learned about natural care and homeopathy

65. Allopathy: 1 n the usual method of treating disease with remedies that produce effects differing from those produced by the disease itself Antonyms: homeopathy , homoeopathy a method of treating disease with small amounts of remedies that, in large amounts in healthy people, produce symptoms similar to those being treated Type of: medical aid

66. In relation to taking homeopathic remedies their effects are Antidoted or nullified by coffee, strong mints and odors, extreme stresses to the patient, etc.” The idea that the effects homeopathic remedies can be Antidoted by coffee, makes anyone that wakes up with a cup of joe shy away from using homeopathy in the first place.

67. How is Allopathy different from Homeopathy - With admission to medical colleges of the nation getting tougher and complex everyday candidates are getting inclined towards alternative medicine courses.In such a scenario it is essential for them to know the difference between Allopathy and Homeopathy.Candidates should be aware that admission to all medical undergraduate courses in the …

68. A simple and effective method to antidote homeopathic aggravation Diane, can we talk about your special method of Antidoting aggravations? When I first began practicing homeopathy I learned that although aggravations happen, they don't happen very often, and when they do, it's a good sign that it's the right remedy and that eventually the aggravation will stop and healing will take place